Their debut album exceeded expectations. They have been reminding us how unbelievable heavy they were. Lao Heavy was their album which set the benchmark for heavy metal on which every act was measured.
After the high, various appearances in Thai print media and television, the band somehow disintegrated after landed back in Laos.
The original Lao heavy metal band, the Sapphire is back in studio. The return of the Sapphire will see them back where they left off. They are currently rocking and banging studio in Vientiane once again with Lao renowned producer.
After all these years off, they must have been discovering another of their inner aggression. Would their new heavy metal sound prove once again few compare?
Check out the latest sound from the Sapphire’s second album. It’s called “Kam Sa Barn”. There are seven new fantastic rock songs.
Origin: Vientiene Laos
Genres: Rock/ Heavy
Songs from the latest album
Songs from Heavy Laos album
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