
He has achieved the most amazing fusion of art and sound from his latest experiment I ever heard.  This will be another indication of how darn good his or Lao music will be. No doubt, this album will be instantly powerful, intricately compelling, has immerse longevity and his unique artistic statement.  More >> . More info Rating:


This is just a beginning of a beautiful adventurous journey of the latest star that has rocketed into prominence in French speaking side of town.   Willy Denzey is a new international RNB rising star.  Check it out Rating:


At last we have Joey Sisouvath third album.  As documented that last week we interviewed him for our TV section.  His brand new songs uploaded.  If you like what you hear then grab them from music store now.  More info  Rating:


This Hip Hop song from Lao Crimino will surely set a new bench mark for Lao Hip Hop and will become most talked about song of all time in the history of modern Lao music.  This group of Lao Crimino will conquer and lay claim their Hip Hop territory.  There is no shocking rhymes here but smooth, beautiful and perfect More info Rating:


Are you ready for Lao music INVAZN?   It seems that we are engulfed by a whirlwind of excellent hip hop artists.  They have produced extraordinary hip hop beats.  He has been rocking mics for several years, paving the way for healthy hip-hop scene.  He spits rhymes about life - a lesson from the Hood Veteran.   Rating:

Breathtaking is the word to describe this young, beautiful, articulated, talented, another hot Lao artist, Thidavanh Bounxouay   Rating:


With citizen of the world are more mobile than ever these days, there is no exception for Laotians.  We live in different parts of the world and have made considerable contributions to countries.  We live in harmony with local community.  Certainly we still celebrate our traditions and customs.  Boun Pravade is one of those colourful ceremony in Buddhist calendar where Lao expatriates from all over the world become Lao again for just a few days. 


Bhuddism - Boun Pravade is a documentary by 1010 Productions team.  It's their first Lao documentary film.  Buddhism, a closer look at the Lao people and the culture. This documentary film is in a DVD format with the stunning and beautiful colour. The film focused mainly on an unforgettable festival called Boun Pravade.


It's in Lao and English with optional English subtitle.  This film is an hour long therefore you really get to learn the real deal of Boun Pravade.  Produced by Lorrie Insesiengmay 


Buddhism a closer look at the Lao people and the Lao culture. You have been granted entry to take a journey and travel to beautiful Laos and experience the Lao culture. And the unforgettable festival called Boun Pravade.


 Learn about the Lao brief history, of Wat Lao Minnesota and the country of Laos. What it means to be a Buddhist in America. Where is the country of Laos? What is the daily life of the Monks?   Why is Pravade important to the Lao people?  How Buddhism influences the Lao culture and the Lao customs and much more topic such as witness monk enlightenment ceremony.  


They distribute this film for the benefit of Lao people and Lao religion.  The team members are volunteers but they sell the DVD to cover our cost of productions and money we earn after the little production costs will go  help the Wat Lao.  For purchase order contact here or here http://www.filmbaby.com/films/2008


The film will be available at the http://www.filmbaby.com.  Here is a trailer for the film.  Enjoys!


Film - Boun Pravade 


Here (Hi)


Video edited version by Andy


Get the full version from http://www.filmbaby.com or contact here



Here is a pop song by Lao pop diva, Ketsana Vilaylack.  It's called PRAYER


Sample her excellent masterpiece work of art, fabulous Viens Vers Moi. 

The track has sweet melody and shifting tempo. The good news is that it is good! This song demonstrates the brilliant talent of Nithada.

Viens Vers Moi is a rich, honest, innocent and absolutely beautiful song. It has beautiful overall sound with fast moving beats. It’s effortless COOL! More Info  Rating:

Explosive, high-energy, organic, heavy, raw.... Yeah, we are talking about the latest sensation to pop out rocking.  They are an international group with the musical root from the deep down south.  Introducing Eddie Daovone Bayluangrath.


Recently my sister Sue and her friend Ashley set up a beautician shop.  I was there on the weekend to brighten up the shop and lay wooden floor for them.  The shop officially open for business.  They specialise in body waxing, facial, message therapy, make up, ear piercing and hypnotherapy and more... They also distribute skin care products.   For more info do go visiting them.  Good luck Sis!

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