
He has achieved the most amazing fusion of art and sound from his latest experiment I ever heard.  This will be another indication of how darn good his or Lao music will be. No doubt, this album will be instantly powerful, intricately compelling, has immerse longevity and his unique artistic statement.  More >> . More info Rating:


This is just a beginning of a beautiful adventurous journey of the latest star that has rocketed into prominence in French speaking side of town.   Willy Denzey is a new international RNB rising star.  Check it out Rating:


At last we have Joey Sisouvath third album.  As documented that last week we interviewed him for our TV section.  His brand new songs uploaded.  If you like what you hear then grab them from music store now.  More info  Rating:


This Hip Hop song from Lao Crimino will surely set a new bench mark for Lao Hip Hop and will become most talked about song of all time in the history of modern Lao music.  This group of Lao Crimino will conquer and lay claim their Hip Hop territory.  There is no shocking rhymes here but smooth, beautiful and perfect More info Rating:


Are you ready for Lao music INVAZN?   It seems that we are engulfed by a whirlwind of excellent hip hop artists.  They have produced extraordinary hip hop beats.  He has been rocking mics for several years, paving the way for healthy hip-hop scene.  He spits rhymes about life - a lesson from the Hood Veteran.   Rating:

Breathtaking is the word to describe this young, beautiful, articulated, talented, another hot Lao artist, Thidavanh Bounxouay   Rating:

Sample her excellent masterpiece work of art, fabulous Viens Vers Moi. 

The track has sweet melody and shifting tempo. The good news is that it is good! This song demonstrates the brilliant talent of Nithada.

Viens Vers Moi is a rich, honest, innocent and absolutely beautiful song. It has beautiful overall sound with fast moving beats. It’s effortless COOL! More Info  Rating:

Explosive, high-energy, organic, heavy, raw.... Yeah, we are talking about the latest sensation to pop out rocking.  They are an international group with the musical root from the deep down south.  Introducing Eddie Daovone Bayluangrath.


Recently my sister Sue and her friend Ashley set up a beautician shop.  I was there on the weekend to brighten up the shop and lay wooden floor for them.  The shop officially open for business.  They specialise in body waxing, facial, message therapy, make up, ear piercing and hypnotherapy and more... They also distribute skin care products.   For more info do go visiting them.  Good luck Sis!


Here are some pictures from Wat Buddhalavarn Forest Monastery.  This temple situates about 10 minutes from the fast growing area in Australia, city of Campbelltown.  It sits on 55 acres of land mass.  The new Simm is shaping up before our eyes.  Large Buddha status is also on the way from as far as Thailand & will be housed under this stunning Lao designed Simm.  Laotians have been living in Australia since 1975.  Majority are Buddhist.  There are no going back from here for our new generations and this is home.  Temple is a holy place for worshiping built by our generous & hard working refugee generations.  This has been the results from many years of generous contributions in every ways and hard fought by our elders. They do what they can.   Come supporting our community and help out what you can.  Visit our temple 

Wat Buddhalavarn Forest Monastery

Wat Buddhalavarn Forest Monastery,

Lot 12 Minerva Road

WEDDERBURN NSW 2560 AUSTRALIA Tel. (02) 4634 1200

ABBOT: Ven. Thongsoun Phanta Oudom



New Year Photo Gallery

Jao Mae Kao Imm


Here are pictures taking during Lao New Year celebration.  

Wat Buddhalavarn has more than 20 years of history.  Temple was originally house in Cabramatta where there are many Laotian living in and around that area.  Several monks stayed at rented three bedrooms house.  After several years of generosity of donation from Buddhists, Wat Buddhalavarn was able to purchase a house in Cabramatta.  That was where it’d based for another six – seven years.  

In the late 1990’s Wat Buddhalavarn Inc bought more than 50 acres of land, two houses and a large shed.  One house is now used for monk residence and another originally converted to library then meditation centre and it is now being exclusively used to house quest monks.  The shed is being used as temporally Patthasima. 

Many things have been happening since the turn of a new millennium at Wat buddhalavarn; renovating hall, constructing new Patthasima, and building new front wall of temple. 

A large shed was converted to temporary hall.  This is heart and soul of Wat Buddhalavarn.  Every thing happens here.  There are new and larger windows, new kitchen, brighter colour for the whole shed, veranda, and floor.  Over years it has completely transformed into stunning building.  .  A temple without a Patthasima is not a complete temple. 

Constructing of new Patthasima at Wat Buddhalavarn, His Excellency The Honourable Gordon Samuels, AC VCO, Governor of New South Wales at the time laid the first foundation stone followed by dignities from various organisations and thousand and thousand of Buddhists.  Thing slowly starts to develop.  

Front fence of the temple has been going through major cosmetic surgery.  Hopefully in the near future this temple will looks as good as it has ever been.  New brick wall fence has been built. 

Remember those who wish to donate or contribute, please contact Wat Buddhalavarn Inc and find out how to make your donation. 





KUTI TEL: 02-4634-1200

SALA TEL: 02-4634-1419


  1. His Excellency the Honourable Gordon AC, CVO, Governor of New South Wales and Mrs. Samuels.
  2. His Royal Highness Sadet Tiao Khamhing.
  3. His Excellency Soutsakone Pathanmmavong, Lao Ambassador to Australia.
  4. His Worship Counciloor James Kremmer, the Mayor of Cambelltown City Council.
  5. Council Banton Banfield, representing His Worship the Mayor of Cambelltown City Council
  6. Mr Dennis Moore, Director of Planning and Development, Campbelltown City Council, representing General Manager, Mr. Paul Tosi.
  7. Chief Superintendent Chris Evans, Police Regional Commander, Greater Hume Region.
  8. Superintendent Ben Feszezuk, Local Area Commander.
  9. Captian Maija Burtmanis.
  10. Mrs. Raewynn Sinclair Kidd. Director of Community Development, Campbelltown City Council.
  11. Assistant Director of Campbelltown TAFE
  12. Mrs Norberta Pereira, Community Consultant, Development of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs and Mr. Perera.
  13. Ms Phayvanh Phoumindr, President of Council of Lao Organisations of NSW.
  14. Mr Phillip Costa, president of Macarthur Migrant Resource Centre.
  15. Mr Stephen Hind, Inspector of Campbelltown City Council.
  16. Mr Graham Cambell, President of Weddernburn Association.
  17. Ms Jone Ward, Prseident of Campbelltown City Festival of Fisher Ghost and Ms Marie Ruthledge.
  18. Mr. Ron Kidd, Managing Director of England and Kidd P/L
  19. Mr. Phillip Hayward, Managing Director of Lean and Hayward P/L
  20. Mr. Richard Meaker, Engineering Manager of Lean and Hayward P/L
  21. Mrs. Annie Lee, Cambelltown TAFE outreach Coordinator and Mr. Lee
  22. Manager, Macarthur Migrant Resource Centre.
  23. Coordinator of Housing Department.
  24. Presidents and Chairs of various Lao Societies.



Ven. Thongsoun Phanta Oudom at work

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