
He has achieved the most amazing fusion of art and sound from his latest experiment I ever heard.  This will be another indication of how darn good his or Lao music will be. No doubt, this album will be instantly powerful, intricately compelling, has immerse longevity and his unique artistic statement.  More >> . More info Rating:


Willy Denzey, another brilliant R&B artist from France released his third single from the album ACTE II.  Check it out Rating:

At last we have Joey Sisouvath third album.  As documented that last week we interviewed him for our TV section.  His brand new songs uploaded.  If you like what you hear then grab them from music store now.  More info  Rating:


This Hip Hop song from Lao Crimino will surely set a new bench mark for Lao Hip Hop and will become most talked about song of all time in the history of modern Lao music.  This group of Lao Crimino will conquer and lay claim their Hip Hop territory.  There is no shocking rhymes here but smooth, beautiful and perfect .....Pix of Lao Crimino  More info Rating:

Below is photo gallery of her new shop.  We spent the whole day finishing off some minor details that needed to be done. For those who have not been there if you have some times please feel free to drop by.  She and several of her staffs will make you most welcome.  These are some services that they specialise in: manicure deluxe, pedicure with paraffin, paraffin treatment (hand and foot), eyelash extension, professional spray-on tan, body waxing (male & female), facial, massage therapy, make up, ear piercing or to find out more do contact her. Good luck sis!



By Andy

KID HOT BARN KERD meaning Missing Our Country is the latest song from Sesumack Thongoulay première album also known as KID HOT BARN KERD.  Songs composed by Vannasack Thongoulay and brought to life by Sesumack Thongoulay.  Kidhot Barnkerd are typical of Thongoulay easy listening country beautiful songs.  Download song 

Introducing yet another classic Lao country singer, Sesumack M. Thongoulay.  He released his première album, KID HOT BARN KERD.  Songs composed by Vannasack Thongoulay and brought to life by Sesumack Thongoulay in downtown Vientiane in 2004.

We uploaded sample tracks from this artist from his debut CD.  Songs such as Sao Maung Champa and Kidhot Barnkerd are typical of Thongoulay easy listening country beautiful songs.  

Ok, so you've been shoving many varieties of great songs down your ears over years, how the hell you are going to be able to process all these.  Well, all you need do is sitting back, relax and enjoy the delightful listening experience.  We should be grateful that we have choices.  Over time you'll discover these desirable sources at our website and decide to stay and harvest without a fight. Hahah

The outstanding track is Sao Maung Champa.  You will appreciate the lyrics, easy melody and beautiful music.  Enjoys!

For more songs check his space at:



Here is another great Thongoulay name in music business, the quirky Sonny Bonoho ( No relation)











Download tracks>>>>

Sao Maung Champa

Kidhot Barnkerd

To order album, please contact Sesumack directly at:

Sesumack M. Thongoulay

Vong Don Tri Hak Bo Leum

Cell: (253) 230-8416

Fax:  (253) 503-4832
Email: thongoulay@yahoo.com




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